Reporter’s Shield/Privilege

Journalists are facing subpoenas and even jail to protect their sources, notes and outtakes.  We defend them:

  • Filed amicus curiae brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of media entities in support of the producer of “America's Most Wanted”, resisting a subpoena to disclose outtakes.  The Ninth Circuit reversed the district court order requiring disclosure.
  • Represented Sony Pictures Entertainment to quash a subpoena by Conrad Murray, facing charges of murder of Michael Jackson, seeking rehearsal footage of the "This Is It" tour.
  • Represented newspaper reporter who was called as a witness in a criminal trial regarding reporter's interview of defendant and revelation of a confession in a capital murder case.
  • Handled case regarding the definition of journalists for the purpose of the reporter's shield.
  • Represented client in famous dispute regarding whether a book author could invoke the reporter's shield.


Print, Broadcast & Electronic Media
New Media & Internet Companies
News Gathering Organizations
Journalists & Writers
Entertainment Companies
Motion Picture Studios
Production Companies
Book Publishers
